Climate Week NYC 2021

September 20-26, 2021


CLIMATE. Challenges. Choices. Consequences.


“I think one of the most important things for people to understand

is that don’t feel helpless

when you look at all the problems in the world.

Realize that if you think about the consequences of the small choices

that you make each day

What you buy, what you eat, what you wear

Where did it come from, how was it made.

Did it harm the environment?

In the end it’s hundreds of millions

of people making small choices that are the right choices

that leads us to a new kind of world.”         ----Jane Goddall



ActNow: The United Nations Campaign for Individual Action.

Ten actions to consider.

“Save energy at home.

Drive less.

Eat more plant-based foods.

Fly less.

Cut your food waste.

Reduce, reuse, repair, recycle.

Get wind or solar energy.

Switch to an electric vehicle.

Choose eco-friendly products.

Speak up.”

Pick one.


 “The time has come, Harry (and all of us), to choose between what is right and what is easy.”                 ----Albus Dumbledore


(EARTH MATTERS: The Challenge of Climate Change from The KOL addresses “Cut your food waste.” and “Reduce, reuse, repair, recycle.” and “Speak up.”)


Using Picture Books in Middle School Classrooms


Global Conference on Climate Change