Gasoline Choices for the Greater Good: It’s Worth Repeating

Oil prices soar per barrel.

Pain at the pump.


Volatile gas prices have defined episodes in our history.

For me the first was the OPEC Oil crisis in 1973.

Hopeful drivers waited in long lines

at gas stations to see the dreaded signs:

SORRY. No Gas.

I carpooled with four other teachers. Five in one car.

Not a chore.


We were in it TOGETHER

All for the Greater Good.


In 2008 the price of gasoline spurred a surge

in sales of fuel-efficient cars to replace those that were not.


Now in 2022 Ukraine has been invaded.

Gasoline prices soar.  Pain at the pump.

What to do?

What if people carpooled like it’s 1973?

What if Free Passes to ride public transportation were available?

What if the Gasoline Tax was suspended temporarily?


Sacrifice may be necessary, but our history tells us

that we will get through this.

Sharing. Innovating. Comforting. Witnessing.


All for the Greater Good.


The Power of Poetry “The pen is mightier than the sword.”


Gasoline Choices for the Greater Good: An Oral History discovery