GOOD NEWS, Planet Earth Author: Sam Bentley

Sam Bentley raises spirits about the

future of Planet Earth

with one-minute “Good News” stories

about positive, creative innovations

being done around the globe.


Wind mills without blades installed

on flat rooftops without harm to birds.


Sugar cane fiber repurposed

as compostable lunch trays.

No fiber fires blackening the sky.

Zero waste.

Bonus: compost puts nutrients back into the soil.

A possibility for your school cafeteria?


DK Publishing recognized the power of Sam’s message.


GOOD NEWS, Planet Earth

By Sam Bentley,

author and planet guardian.


Buy your copy asap.

Expect to smile often.

Share Sam’s stories with students.

Spread the Good News.

Save Planet Earth.


More Good News:

On Amazon #1 in new release for nature conservation.

That’s right. A Bestseller!


KINDNESS: Rx for Humankind