How to end the school year? With HUMOR

HUMOR: From Puns to Parody (The KOL unit)


Puns and Parody.

Pick one or both.

A lesson for one day or several.

Tailor to your students.

Take a joyride through Humor

with Creativity and Imagination at the helm.

Journey to the loony world of Language Play.


The world of Homonyms and Homophones.

Sounds alike. Different meanings.

Who’s on First?  A comedy classic.

Smiles. Grins. Groans. Chuckles.



A humorous imitation of a serious subject

using Exaggeration. Hyperbole.

Hardware Wars. Star Wars, reimagined.

Snickers. Giggles. Tee-hees. Snorts.


Classroom comedians perform.  Laughter reigns.

The Best Medicine for teachers and students.


(HUMOR: From Puns to Parody: A Get into the Act! unit from The KOL.

Top-rated by teachers and students.

For example, Emily W. says: “This was a great unit for my 8th grade Theatre students.  We ended the year with many of these ideas, and it was some of the best performances we’ve had all year, lots of creativity.”

In my classroom, students rated “From Puns to Parody” as a Favorite Unit of the year.)

REVISION: Replace outdated Blaze Glory with a current example of Parody. YouTube has many.


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