Staying Centered in these trying times

Staying centered in these trying times.

Create your own center.

A space like the eye of a hurricane on land.

An escape from overpowering winds

That batter and shatter.


Devastation all around.

Yet you are not devastated

In your own center.


A place of Calm. Clarity. Quiet. Blue skies.

Stay centered.

The viral storm will subside.


Personal note: During my four decades as a teacher, I never encountered any situation like you are. A global pandemic. A world of mutating variants.

School shooters and Lock Down Drills. Yes. But nothing pervasive like COVID-19.

I am grateful for the dedication and diligence of scientists and researchers.

I am grateful for you. Bolster each other.


Do you know how heroic you are? Do you know how admired you are?  You are.

Do you know how grateful your students and their parents are for your dedication to and passion for being a teacher? They are.


Rx: Laughter
