"Play with Pattern and Fractal Fun" presents the concepts of Pattern and Fractals in fun activities for the young learner. Lessons span subject areas like math, science, art, writing, and dance.

Customize the unit, selecting the activities best suited to your learning targets. Split lessons into FRACTAL FRIDAYS as an end-of-the week enrichment experience. Take a cluster of gifted learners on a journey of discovery and imagination with stops in the worlds of M.C. Escher and the Potato Man.

As with any KALEIDOSCOPE OF LEARNING Unit, the lessons include an overview and detailed directions to prepare for and to teach the activity.

An individual activity may take 30 - 60 minutes. The entire unit can be spread over several months or taught within a few weeks.

Grade Levels

1st - 4th

Total Pages

24 pages

Teaching Duration

3 Months


EXPLORING GENRES: Fantasy and Ballad