Banned Books? Burn them.


The Final Solution proposed by a Tennessee senator this week.


Heinrich Heine, a German Jewish poet, wrote

 “Where they burn books,

they will ultimately burn people also.”


The Nazis burned books and later filled crematoriums

with millions of human beings.


Ray Bradbury wrote FAHRENHEIT 451, a novel in which

firemen search for and burn every book they find.

Goal: To destroy every book. To keep society happy.


Today the lists of Banned Books circulate rapid-fire

Across America

Through school libraries

Turning Thinking and Choice into ash.


April 27, 2022 on the floor of the Tennessee State Senate

a lawmaker suggests a solution for the piles of Banned Books

that could be removed from school libraries.


“I would burn ‘em.”


Books that he objects to.

Sheer madness.


What about the First Amendment?

Freedom of Speech?

While taking the oath of office, lawmakers swear

to uphold the Constitution, right?


Democracy in jeopardy.


Teacher Appreciation. Every Day.


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