EARTH DAY: The Challenge of Climate Change

Sea levels rise. The Earth warms. Polar icecaps melt.

Endangered species disappear. Catastrophic drought expands.

Raging wildfires intensify. Hurricanes break 100-year-old records.


The plot of a dystopian Science Fiction novel?

No. The Earth is in jeopardy.


Stewards of the Earth, rise up.

Take action like Rachel Carson challenging the chemical industry,

Gaylord Nelson founding Earth Day in 1970,

Greta Thunberg chastising indifferent leaders of nations worldwide.

Add your name to the list. Be a student activist.


Read JUST A DREAM by Chris Van Allsburg.

Be inspired by the power of simple changes to heal the Earth.

Plant a tree.

Donate to organizations devoted to saving the arboreal forests.

Wash clothes in cold water.

Shop for clothes at thrift stores;

reduce the mountains of disposable, fast fashion in countries globally.


Especially learn about Zero Waste.

The best strategy for Earth:

Do not create the waste in the first place.

Swap single-use products for multi-use.

Explore the benefits of bamboo cloths rather than paper towels.

Use a glass or metal water bottle.

Create your own Zero Waste list.


Make a difference. The Power of One.

The Earth thanks you.


(Consider EARTH MATTERS: The Challenge of Climate Change, The Kaleidoscope of Learning at

TeachersPayTeachers.  “Every day is Earth Day. 365. 24/7.” )


Banned Books? Burn them.


Shel Silverstein: Tickle my Funny Bone