COP26 (Conference of the Parties): Global Climate Conference in Glasgow

High hopes for sweeping global action.

Disappointing at best;

Devastating at worst.


Like Nero fiddling while Rome burned.

Death Valley, California.  Forecast for July 11, 2021:  130 degrees.

The hottest air temperature ever recorded in the world: 134 degrees.

That week in The Arctic. Ground temperature in Siberia: 118 degrees.

Permafrost traps carbon. If it thaws, that carbon threatens the Earth.

A massive heat dome shrouds the Pacific Northwest, including Lytton.

Temperature tops 121 degrees. Unprecedented.

Torrid wildfires reduce 90% of the town to ash.


Like Cassandra Greta Thunberg speaks Truth to Power.

“The people in power can continue to live in their bubble

filled with their fantasies,

like eternal growth on a finite planet

and technological solutions

that will suddenly appear seemingly out of nowhere

and will erase all of these crises just like that.

All this while the world is literally burning,

on fire.”


Countries at COP26 did agree to a ban on deforestation by 2030.


Otherwise more “blah, blah, blah”

as the Status Quo remains supreme.

“We know our emperors are naked.”


Global Climate Conference in Glasgow Week 2


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