SAM BENTLEY Crayons. Crayons. Crayons. More “Good News.”

Leftover crayons:

Not recyclable

Add toxins to landfills

Never biograde.


Drum roll.

Meet The Crayon Initiative.


Innovative repurposing that benefits

children in hospitals.

Crayons redesigned with three sides.

No rolling off flat surfaces to the floor.

Paperless crayons.

Paper on crayons is a source of bacteria.


Free crayons to children in hospitals.

Recycled 31 million crayons and counting.


Google “Sam Bentley + crayons” for YouTube video.

Check out


Searching for a Service Project for your students?

Twitter #CrayonInitiative showcases

schools around the country collecting crayons.


Heartwarming. Uplifting. Eco-friendly.

More “Good News.”


The Power of a Teacher


SAM BENTLEY Rx for Earth “Here’s some Good News”