SAM BENTLEY Rx for Earth “Here’s some Good News”


An ecological oracle

Who gathers “Good News” from around the globe,

News that inspires and uplifts.

A person committed to sustainability.

A leader whose cheerfulness brings hope.


Dazzling doses of “Good News”

on wide-ranging topics

and from places across continents

and on social media platforms.

“Good News” authenticated with Source tags.


Digging bunds (holes) in Kenya

to capture rainwater to nourish plants

and restore the land devastated by drought.

Source: Just Diggit


Soon EU smartphones use identical chargers

reducing electronic waste.

Source: World Economic Forum


18,000 acres of Montana land stolen in the 1900s

from Native tribes returned to them by the US.

Source: NPR


A zero waste truck visits neighborhoods in London

and sells products without plastic.

My personal favorite!!

Source: TopUpTruck


Start the day with Sam.  “Here’s some Good News.”


SAM BENTLEY Crayons. Crayons. Crayons. More “Good News.”


THE FOURTH OF JULY The Wonder of Democracy