Take your students on a Journey of Discovery through the World of Language Arts where Literature and Writing reside. As the Navigator-in-Chief, chart the course to any or all of the eight Destinations that meet the needs of your classroom curriculum.

EXPLORING GENRES: #5 Historical Fiction and Historical Facts

Connecting Literature and Research

Read Historical Fiction. Research Historical Facts based on the setting.

Each unit in the EXPLORING GENRES' series includes an Overview, Teacher Talk and Tips, Student Assignment sheets, Student Samples and a Top Picks Book List.

The Catalog of Choices presents an itinerary that lends itself to a variety of curriculum: Independent Study, Independent Reading, Enrichment to an existing unit like Mythology, Gifted, Interdisciplinary.


Grade Levels

6th - 9th

Total Pages

12 pages

Teaching Duration

1 Week


EXPLORING GENRES: Biography and News Story


EXPLORING GENRES: Mythology and Comic Strip