Take your students on a Journey of Discovery to the World of Language Arts where Literature and Writing reside. As the Navigator-in-Chief, chart the course to any or all of the eight Destinations that meet the needs of your classroom curriculum.
EXPLORING GENRES: #8 Mythology and Comic Strip
Connecting Literature and Art
Read Mythology. Create a Comic Strip to tell The Hero/Heroine's Journey.
Each unit in the EXPLORING GENRES' series includes an Overview, Teacher Talk and Tips, Student Assignment sheets, Student Samples, and a Top Picks Book List.
The Catalog of Choices presents an itinerary that lends itself to a variety of curriculum: Independent Study, Independent Reading, Enrichment to an existing unit like Mythology, Gifted, Interdisciplinary.
P.S. Consider pairing this Student Favorite with "GET INTO THE ACT! Mythology: From Archetype-casting to the Epic Tale."
Grade Levels
7th - 10th
Total Pages
13 pages
Teaching Duration
1 Week